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LYMPH COMPOUND Clover + Conifer

LYMPH COMPOUND Clover + Conifer

Regular price $90.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $90.00 USD
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Lymph Compound is a concentrated herbal skin supplement crafted to clear and contour the skin of the face and neck. Therapeutic, whole plant extracts of conifer trees and vibrant organic herbs activate the pathways of movement and detoxification within the inner waters of our cells and tissues. As interstitial fluids are liberated from the burden of stagnancy and metabolic waste, the skin becomes clear and vibrant and the natural contours of the face reveal themselves.


  • lifts and sculpts facial contours
  • clarifies, clears, and decongests
  • reduces fluid retention and waste burden

CONVENTIONAL COMPARISON: There is no conventional comparison to this product, because the role of the lymphatic system is under-valued in western and conventional care. Lymph Compound supports the vital role our lymphatic system plays in optimal skin health and vibrant aging. THE POTENT PLANTS WITHIN
A combination of stimulating shrubs and conifers White Pine, Juniper and Rosemary improve circulation and fluid movement with the presence of rosmarinic acid, terpenes, and shikimic acid. Gentle, lymph-loving herbs Red Clover and Fennel activate detoxification pathways and improve the quality of elastin with nutrients like magnesium, quercetin, and isoflavones. Polysaccharide-rich Bladderwrack Seaweed and mineral-dense Sea Saltbring in the rhythm of the ocean and inspire movement beneath the skin, releasing stagnation and stuck fascia. The aromatics of Rosemarycenter this formula, assisting in the release of muscle tension and gently encouraging us to let go of what no longer serves us.

A first-of-its-kind category, Laurel Skin Compounds are herbalist-created skin supplements; carefully formulated to replace lab-made synthetic options with a whole-plant alternative.  Used by the drop to complement our Hydrating Elixirs, each concentrated plant medicine blend targets specific skin concerns and supports symptoms of imbalance as they arise, allowing for even more customization in your Laurel Skin Ritual.

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